What Does Your Home Décor Reveals About You?
Do you know that your home can reveal a lot about your personality? How you arrange furniture and decorations gives insight into your tastes and interests. But how does this work? Well, read on to find out.
Just like people, every home is unique. Even though no two homes are exactly the same, common features worldwide can tell us something about the people who live there.
Whether it’s a love for cats, a Harry Potter obsession or a fondness for antlers, these details tell us who we are and how we want others to see us.
So here are a few things that your home decor might say about you:
Simple Decor Indicates That You Are Attentive
While some people love messy home décor, many people want their houses to be neat and streamlined.
People who want a neat and tidy house are more likely to be focused and if you’re one of these folks, you probably want to concentrate on the current moment and what lies ahead.
People who like a cleaner environment may also choose to surround themselves with items that are meaningful to them. They may, however, put them on display in a way that they believe they deserve to be viewed.
An Empty Desk Indicates Dependability
A desk that is fully empty or clean might indicate that you are dependable.
Some people enjoy a tidy desk since they are continuously working on tasks. They are always under pressure to come up with new ideas so they don’t have time to sit back and enjoy the results of their effort.
If you have a tidy desk, you probably want to keep everything in its proper position. You prefer to have what you need close at hand and concentrate on your work.
Smaller Vignettes in Your House Might Indicate That You’re an Introvert
Some individuals like decorating their houses with vignettes and artifacts. These individuals may be extroverted or they may want to surround themselves with objects of sentimental worth.
If you have a few modest vignettes here and there, as well as a few intriguing and decorative items on display, you may be an introvert.
Others may hang so much that it becomes visually overpowering. However, an introvert finds comfort in having only a few carefully picked objects in their house.
A Collection of Decorative Candles Indicates That You Are Ambitious
Candles are available in a wide range of smells, sizes and colors and although they are a typical decorative item, they may also symbolize ambition.
So if you have a large collection of decorative candles in various colors, smells and sizes, you are most certainly ambitious.
Well-Polished Trends Indicate That You Have Goals
If you have gleaming and reflective furnishings, it might indicate that you are driven to achieve your goals.
Some people choose gleaming furniture, while others get mirrored furniture. Both options suggest a person who is driven to achieve his/her goals.
A Large Book Collection Indicates That You Are Open-Minded
If you have a lot of books in your house, you probably have a strong drive to study. You may be a voracious reader yourself or you may have friends and family members who like reading while visiting you.
In any case, having a large book collection in your house shows that you value knowledge and new experiences.
Having Personal Objects on Show Indicates That You Have a Strong Sense of Self
If you have many antiques, decorations and personal stuff in your home, it demonstrates that you are proud of your heritage. You treasure the aspects of your life and prior experiences that have shaped you as a person.
If your collection is largely made up of objects from your childhood, it may indicate that you are nostalgic, or that you appreciate retaining reminders from your past.
Incorporating Plants and Natural Fibers in Your Design Indicates That You Enjoy Keeping Things Fresh
If your house is full of plants and natural fiber fabric décor, it demonstrates that you enjoy keeping things fresh.
You most likely have a green thumb and have a lot of plants around the house. You appreciate the natural and organic vibe that plants add to a space.
A Brightly Colored Door Denotes That You Are the Life and Soul of The Party
There is something to be said about the appearance of your main door. After all, it’s the first thing people notice when they go by and it allows you to showcase your individuality. A brightly colored door indicates that you are extroverted and adventurous.
Your home’s appearance is its first impression, showcasing your personality. If you’re in Dehradun and are looking to buy some unique home décor items then Hornbill and Hornbill is your one-stop shop.
Hornbill and Hornbill offers premium luxury home décor items to suit each and every home. For more details, head on to our website Hornbill & Hornbill or visit us in person to see what we’ve got in store.