The History of Serving Trays Across Different Time
Serving trays are among the most crucial kitchen accessories as they are a must-have while entertaining. Is it possible for you to picture your life without these items for your home? Like, can you imagine running back and forth from the kitchen to the living room or dining room many times to grab 4 cups of tea and some nibbles, or bringing out a big feast during a celebratory gathering?
We’re sure that just thinking about it makes some of you fatigued, especially if your kitchen and living/dining area are far apart.
When your house is filled and your hands are busy carrying different beverages and dishes one by one, the potential for disaster rises greatly. This leads us to believe that the serving trays were constructed by someone who was both practical and a little lazy.
This is the first blog in our home décor items series, in which we will explore the history of various tableware items, starting with the discussion of trays. We all use these home décor items practically every day but don’t realize how important they are until we can’t find them. Furthermore, in today’s world, these cookware items are utilized for a variety of functions, from organizing trinkets to complementing accents.
The History of Serving Trays
Etruscan Black Earthenware Tray is the earliest known example of any type of tray, dating back to the 7th or 6th century BCE. However, there is no way of knowing if it was the oldest in existence. Nevertheless, it does show that the notion of a serving tray is fairly ancient and that these serving platters existed long before they were popular in aristocratic residences.
Originally called salvers in England during the mid-seventeenth century, flat trays were mainly made of silver and were mostly held by rich households. Salver’s usage signified that the food or drinks were originally meant for royalty and had passed the poison test. The serving attachment signified that the meal had been tested and was safe for the king/queen to eat.
Salvers from England, Scotland, and Ireland date as far back as the 17th century. In the 18th century, oval plates with loop handles were fashionable. By the nineteenth century, the popularity of cafés and restaurants had made them a part of people’s daily lives, and salvers had become a home need.
With the advent of the 21st century, manufacturers and home décor online businesses merged traditional and sustainable materials to produce an original design that not only looked wonderful in your house but was also beneficial for the world.
The Evolution of Serving Trays
The initial design of serving trays was flat, but for more functionality, raised edges were incorporated around the surface of these crucial home décor items to prevent objects from rolling off.
Trays are now available in a broad range of materials, including marble, stone, wood, and crystal, with patterns ranging from leaves to animals. Not only are they used for serving, but they are also employed in the medical field as surgical trays.
Buy Serving Trays from Hornbill & Hornbill
From leaf-shaped trays to carved wooden platters, there’s something for everyone. Explore our store to purchase a broad range of serving trays and other kitchen items produced by local artists from food-safe materials such as wood and metal. Explore our lovely variety of premium crockery, dinner set, wooden trays, ceramic, spoon cutlery sets, and more at hornbill and hornbill!